"With Fairness and Fortitude"

Inaugurated 21 January, 1989
Etobicoke, Ontario
Accepted at the First Annual General Meeting
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan20 January, 1990
Amended at the Annual General Meeting
Edmonton, Alberta, 18 January 1992




C.S.R.A. constitution.doc

C.S.R.A. constitution.pdf

The Philosophy of The Association as to

1) Its Organisation, shall be: a) to help find, educate, encourage, register, and support Referees and their Associations; b) to establish and adopt By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, and Policies that are beneficial for The Association and its Members and for the Game as a whole, and to ensure that they are adhered to and upheld; c) to represent its Members at all appropriate times and functions; d) to ensure that the Game is played in accordance with the Laws established and decisions expressed by the International Football Association Board, published by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association, and adopted by The Canadian Soccer Association; e) to assist The Canadian Soccer Association and its Affiliates administer and promote the game in this country; f) to uphold the principles of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, observe Natural Justice, and provide Equal Opportunity within a framework of Fairness, Excellence, Capability, and Soccer-related National and International regulation.

2) Its Operation, shall be: a) to enable the Executive Committee to administer the affairs of The Association effectively and efficiently within practices approved by Council and Policies approved by Membership; b) to encourage the Presidents (or their Delegates) of affiliated Provincial/Territorial Referees' Associations, as Members of Council, to participate fully in the affairs of The Association, to act as the communications pipeline, and to reflect the wishes of their respective associations on the basis of a parity of votes; c) to provide a vote on Policies, Practices, and the Election of Officers to all who pay to join and support The Association.

3) Its Membership, shall be: a) to ensure that every person who becomes or continues to be a Member shall:
i) where one exists, register through the Provincial/Territorial Referees' Association where he resides;
ii) where one does not exist, register direct with this Association, and be encouraged to assist in the establishment of a Referees' Association in his Province/Territory;
iii) pay the appropriate fees;
iv) agree to abide by, adhere to, and uphold the By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of The Association;
v) conduct himself in a manner befitting credit to himself, The Association and the Game.
b) to recognize every person who registers through a Provincial/Territorial Referees' Association as a Member with both an individual voting right and also representation through his affiliated association;
c) to recognize every person who registers direct with this Association as a Member with only an individual voting right;
d) to provide each person who registers with all the education, encouragement, and support needed to referee effectively and well;
e) to provide a hearing for every member charged with an offence relating to his activity in The Association, and one appeal against any decision rendered at first instance.



Article 1—Name The name of this organisation shall be "Canadian Soccer Referees' Association," alternatively, "Association Canadienne des Arbitres de Soccer," hereinafter referred to as The Association.

Article 2—Address The address of The Association shall be that of its Secretary within Canada.

Article 3—Objects The objects of The Association shall be: a) to improve the status, protect the interests, and promote the welfare of referees;
b) to establish, affiliate, and assist in the development of Provincial/Territorial Referees' Associations;
c) to encourage those who wish to referee to register, to represent them at National and International functions, and to retain in membership those who have retired from active refereeing;
d) to educate and assist in the education and development of referees through their respective Provincial/Territorial Referees' Associations, to design and assist in the designing of appropriate education and assessment programmes, and to distribute and assist in the distribution of them;
e) to establish a code of acceptable conduct for all its members, to ensure compliance with that code, to discipline those who fail to comply, and to provide an appeal procedure to accommodate those who have been disciplined but feel unduly aggrieved;
f) to acquire, collect, and obtain funds to operate and to fulfil its objects, and to receive, purchase, exchange, convert, subscribe for, deliver, sell, mature, and redeem trusteed securities;
g) to establish, operate, amend, suspend, and wind-up such trusts as are deemed appropriate for itself, its Member Associations, its Referees, and their dependents or for any other beneficial purpose;
h) to recognize and uphold the Laws of the Game as promulgated by the International Football Association Board (IFAB) and published by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and any amendments thereto as and when they apply;
i) to recognise, adhere to, and uphold the Statutes of Canada, its Provinces and Territories, especially having regard for Natural Justice Equal Opportunity and Human Rights and Freedoms;
j) to foster a relationship of co-operation with The Canadian Soccer Association, its affiliates and associated organisations, and assist them in promoting the knowledge and best interests of the game;
k) to re-organise or dissolve The Association if deemed necessary;
l) to do all such lawful things as may be or become necessary to fulfil these objects.

Article 4—Organisation and Membership (The Constitution) The Association shall be: 1) composed of the following categories of Membership:
a) Affiliated Membership, which shall be open to all properly constituted Provincial/Territorial Referees' Associations to enable them to represent their members on Council;
b) Ordinary Membership, which shall be open to all persons who register with and through their respective Provincial/Territorial Referees' Associations;
c) Direct Membership, which shall be open to all persons who register to referee, but who reside in a Province/Territory where no Soccer Referees' Association exists;
d) Honorary Membership, which shall be open only to those persons who have been
i) either nominated through their respective Provincial/Territorial Referees' Association or recommended by the Executive Committee,
ii) confirmed by Council at a meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting, and
iii) elected by a 75% majority of those casting ballots (voting) at the Annual General Meeting;
2) managed by a Council constituted as stated in these By-Laws.

Article 5—Fees There shall be an annual fee for each, except the Honorary category of Membership. The amount of such fee shall be set one year in advance at the Annual General Meeting and be payable to The Association on or before the date stipulated.

Article 6—Finances All funds received by The Association shall be deposited in a Canadian financial institution covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation and authorized by Council, to one or more than one account in the name of The Association. Withdrawals and cheques drawn on behalf of The Association shall be signed conjointly by two persons from a list of those authorized by Council. Upon resolution of Council, surplus funds of The Association may be invested in Trustee Securities, which shall be held in safekeeping by the aforementioned financial institution. Such securities may, by similar resolution, be liquidated.

Article 7—Auditors Two members of The Association shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting to audit the accounts of The Association:
a) at any time they choose without notice,
b) upon the request of Council,
c) each year as at December 31st and before the Annual General Meeting.
They shall present a certificate of their findings at that meeting.

Article 8—Meetings
a) The Annual General Meeting of The Association shall be held on the third (3rd) Saturday in January,
and all members shall receive at least thirty (30) days notice of its time and location.

The order of business at the Annual General Meeting shall be:

i) Roll call of Members for the year then ending
ii) Tributes and introduction of guests
iii) Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
iv) Matters arising therefrom
v) Pertinent correspondence
vi) President's Address
vii) Secretary's Report
viii) Treasurer's Report and Auditors' certificate
ix) Other Reports
x) Unfinished Business
xi) Amendments to the Constitution
xii) Roll Call of Members for the year ensuing
xiii) Election of Officers (and Council)
xiv) Any other business
xv) Adjournment

The Chairman may, at his discretion, introduce any special business for discussion, but only after approval of the Minutes.
b) A Special or an Extraordinary General meeting may be called by Council by its own motion. A Special or an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called within thirty (30) days following the receipt by the Secretary of a written request signed on behalf of not less than three (3) affiliated Members. All Members shall receive thirty (30) days notice of the time, location, and business to be dealt with at a Special or an Extraordinary General Meeting. Only the business for which such a meeting was called shall be dealt with, except with the unanimous consent of those present at the meeting. c) All other meetings of The Association shall be held as previously arranged or, failing prior arrangement, at the call of the Chair. d) All meetings of The Association shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order insofar as they may apply. e) The President shall preside at all meetings of The Association. However, in his absence, one of the Vice-Presidents, in order of precedence, shall preside. In the absence of all these officers, Council shall appoint a pro tem Presiding Officer.

Article 9—Quorum At all General Meetings of The Association a majority of Affiliated Members shall constitute a Quorum. At all other meetings of The Association a majority of those entitled to attend shall constitute a Quorum.

Article 10—Voting a) For the election of officers and all matters referred to Members by Council, each affiliated member, through its delegate, and each ordinary and direct member shall be entitled to vote.
b) For all other matters each person entitled to attend and attending may vote.
c) At all meetings of The Association, voting shall be by a show of hands, unless a poll is requested or ballot papers have been issued with the notice of meeting.
d) If a poll is required or ballot papers have been issued, appointed scrutineers shall total the votes, report the count to the President, or the pro tem Presiding Officer, who shall announce the result to the assembly for the record. Decisions shall be reached by simple majority unless otherwise required.
e) Officers shall have a voice but no vote at General Meetings.
f) The Presiding Officer shall have a casting vote only.

Article 11—Council The business of The Association shall be conducted by Council which shall be comprised of the Officers and one (1) delegate from each affiliated Provincial/Territorial Referees' Association. Council shall meet not less than once each year. During the interval between Meetings of the Council, the Executive Committee, comprised of the Officers, shall possess and may exercise all the powers of Council in the management and direction of the affairs of The Association.

Article 12—Officers The Officers of The Association shall be the President, a First and a Second Vice-President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. No more than two (2) officers resident in any one Province/Territory shall hold office at the same time, except when an officer moves to another Province/Territory during his term in office. Tenure Their term of office shall extend for two consecutive years. The President, Second Vice-President, and Treasurer shall be elected in odd-numbered years and the First Vice-President and Secretary shall be elected in even-numbered years. Vacancies Should an office become vacant during tenure, Council may appoint an eligible person to serve for the remainder of the term. Failing an appointment by Council, the position shall be open for nomination and election at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.

Article 13—Duties of Officers The Officers of The Association shall perform the special duties hereinafter mentioned and any other duties which may be assigned to them. a) The President shall preside at all meetings of The Association and shall have a casting vote only in the case of a tie; b) The Vice-Presidents shall assist the President in the discharge of his duties and officiate in order of their precedence in the President's absence; c) The Secretary shall be the corresponding officer and be responsible for the corporate affairs of The Association; d) The Treasurer shall be the Registrar and be responsible for the fiscal affairs of The Association. Expenses Officers shall be recompensed for expenses properly incurred in the performance of their duties, at rates established by Council.

Article 14—Election of Officers Candidates for office shall be Ordinary or Direct Members, and a) be nominated by a Provincial/Territorial Referees' Association, b) be elected at the Annual General Meeting by a majority of members entitled to vote, c) upon election, shall hold office until the Election of Officers at the next appropriate Annual General Meeting, or earlier upon vacating the office for any reason, d) be eligible for re-election,

Article 15—Rules and Regulations The Association may make such miscellaneous Rules and Regulations as may be deemed necessary to protect the interests of its Members and to fulfil its objects.

No such Rule or Regulation may violate the rights or freedom of any member except as may be necessary to protect the rights and freedom of any other member and to ensure the stability of The Association.

Article 16—Interpretation Interpretation of the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, and any questions in dispute shall be referred to Council for a decision. The singular shall, where appropriate, include the plural and vice versa. The Masculine and Feminine Gender shall, where appropriate, be interchangeable.

Article 17—Alterations and Amendments All proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be forwarded in writing to The Association no later than sixty (60) days prior to the Annual or any other General meeting called to consider them. Copies of proposed amendments shall be sent to all Members with the notice of meeting at which they are to be considered.

Amendments to the By-Laws shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of ballots cast at the General Meeting, and shall become effective on the prescribed date. Amendments to the Rules and Regulations may be made by Council. They shall become effective immediately unless otherwise specified in the motion.



1) Membership a) General Requirements Application for Membership shall be made annually by each Provincial/Territorial Referees' Association on behalf of itself and its members, and by each Direct Member on a form supplied by this Association. Each completed application form shall be submitted to the Treasurer, and be accompanied by the applicable fee and by all appropriate documents, before the ensuing Annual General Meeting. By signature on the Application Form, each applicant shall be deemed to have subscribed to the Constitution, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, and to have agreed to uphold them and any regularly approved changes to them made subsequently.

b) Specific Requirements Upon application, The Association will consider accepting into membership those who satisfy the following conditions: i) Affiliated Membership

ii) Ordinary Membership Individuals who: a) have been, are, or intend to become referees; b) register with, or are recognised as members by their respective Provincial/Territorial Referees' Association; c) are and remain in good standing with every affiliated member of this Association.

iii) Direct Membership Individuals who: a) have been, are, or intend to become referees; b) either reside in Provinces/Territories where no Provincial/Territorial Referees' Association exists, but who agree to assist this Association to establish one, or are members of the Canadian Armed Forces; c) register with this Association, d) subject to constraints applicable to members of the Canadian Armed Forces, notify this Association of any change of address within fifteen (15) days of such change, and e) except for members of the Canadian Armed Forces, transfer from Direct to Ordinary Membership through an affiliated member, if one exists in the Province/Territory of new residence.

iv) Honorary Membership
In one of two categories:
a) Life Membership for an individual who has been registered with this Association or with an affiliated member of this Association for a period of not less than ten (10) years, and who has rendered special service to The Association or to the game in Canada to an extent beyond normal participation;
b) Honorary Membership for an individual who, while not having been registered with this Association or with an affiliated member of this Association, has rendered special service to this Association or the game to an extent beyond normal participation;
Nomination by an affiliated member for consideration of an individual for Honorary Membership shall be made on a form to be supplied by this Associaton. The form shall be completed, signed, and submitted to The Association not less than ninety (90) days before the Annual General Meeting at which it is expected to be proposed. Notice of nomination for each category of Honorary Membership shall be delivered to all members of The Association with the notice of meeting at which it is expected to be proposed.

2) Voting a) By Ballot With the notice of meeting at which matters detailed in Article 10 a) are to be considered, the Secretary shall issue, to each Member who is entitled to vote, a ballot paper on which is identified each relevant subject or motion. It shall be sufficient that the notice and ballot papers for Ordinary Members be directed to and distributed throught the relevant Affiliated Provincial/Territorial Association. Each ballot paper shall
i) provide space to indicate a vote FOR or AGAINST each subject,
ii) be protected in such a manner as to enable its validity to be established and the privacy of the voter to be maintained.
Each member wishing to exercise a vote shall do so by marking a ballot paper in the preferred space, and by returning that paper to the appointed receiver so that it shall be received by the appointed date. The Executive Committee shall appoint, on such terms as it deems appropriate, at least two (2) Scrutineers to receive, count, and report the result of voting by ballot. A Scrutineer, however, shall not be an Officer of the Association, nor a candidate for office in the Association. A Scrutineer may be removed and replaced at any time for cause. The Scrutineers shall disallow any ballot which cannot be validated or which is not clearly marked, or which is received later than the appointed date, which may be extended by the Executive Committee for cause. The decision of the Scrutineers shall be final in so far as the result of the ballot is concerned.

b) By Proxy
i) A Direct Member, who is unable or not intending to attend a General Meeting, may request from the Secretary, and the Secretary shall issue, a paper by which to appoint a proxy to vote as the member signifies thereon at that Meeting.
The Proxy shall be a Member of the Association.
The Proxy paper shall either be delivered to the appointee, or returned to and received by the Secretary not later than the day before the meeting at which it is to be exercised, in order for the appointment to be validated.
The appointment of a Proxy may be changed or withdrawn by the Direct Member at any time before the meeting commences, and will be invalidated if the Direct Member attends in person.
ii) An Ordinary Member, who is unable or not intending to attend a General Meeting, may, through his Provincial/Territorial Association, request from the Secretary, and the Secretary shall issue to the Member through that Association, a paper by which to appoint a proxy to vote as the member signifies thereon at that Meeting. The Proxy shall be a member of the Ordinary Member's Provincial/Territorial Association or an Officer of this Association. The Proxy paper shall either be delivered to the appointee, or returned to and received by the Secretary of this Association not later than the day before the meeting at which it is to be exercised, in order for the appointment to be validated. The appointment of a Proxy may be changed or withdrawn by the Ordinary Member at any time before the meeting commences, and will be invalidated if the Ordinary Member attends in person.


Canadian Soccer Referees' Association
Canadienne Des Arbitres De Soccer